
Oct 30, 2010

Tabata – Bring out the stopwatch for results

The Tabata protocol is a high-intensity training regimen that produces remarkable results. A Tabata workout (also called a Tabata sequence) is an interval training cycle of 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated without pause 8 times for a total of four minutes. A break of one minute is then taken before moving on to the next block.

Credit for this simple and powerful training method belongs to its namesake, Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. Their groundbreaking 1996 study, published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise, provided documented evidence concerning the dramatic physiological benefits of high-intensity intermittent training. After just 6 weeks of testing, Dr. Tabata noted a 28% increase in anaerobic capacity in his subjects, along with a 14% increase in their ability to consume oxygen (V02Max). These results were witnessed in already physically fit athletes. The conclusion was that just four minutes of Tabata interval training could do more to boost aerobic and anaerobic capacity than an hour of endurance exercise.

Although Dr. Tabata used a mechanically braked exercise cycle machine, you can apply this protocol to almost any exercise. The most effective exercises are compound exercises that engage various muscles.

How effective can just 4 minutes of exercise be? ... Very. You will be amazed at how intense the four minutes of exercise will feel. The intervals tax both your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. It is important to remember this program is based on time not volume. It is handy if working on your own to work out how many reps you get in 20 secs while maintaining form. It is better if you can use a stopwatch or download music which prompts you when to start and when to rest. Podcasts are available for little or no cost. A stopwatch is also a valuable tool for this type of training. You can buy stop watches especially made for tabata; they count the number of sequences as well as time.

Pretty much any form of cardiovascular exercise that uses a large number of muscles can be tailored to fit Tabata interval workouts, so feel free to be creative. In addition to the exercises mentioned above, use them with sprints, burpees, a jump rope, the heavy bag, treadmill or rowing machine. Lessen the likelihood of injury by choosing a rate of intensity suited to your level of conditioning - be conservative. Incorporate variety into your Tabata workouts. A few sessions per week will offer plenty of intensity.

In the workouts tab on the website I’ve added a workout in the Tabata Style….Its a half hour program in total and guaranteed to have you breathless by the end!

This program is designed for a person who does not have any pre-existing injuries or illness; someone who is of reasonable fitness. It is important to remember correct form with any exercise. If you are not sure on an exercise or need the program tailored to your specific needs give me a call to book in for a session with myself or another of my trainers.


Oct 6, 2010

Transformation Specialists...Personal Training

I am a firm believer that anything is possible! Through hard and smart work you can achieve your hopes and dreams.

Entity is a great team of trainers who have come together as people who belive that anything is achievable. Who strive to deliver a constant, reliable and trusted service.

Fitness is our passion and it can become yours as well when you are ready to make small changes in your life. So if you are ready call us for a FREE consultation with Marnie or another member of the team.